Beginner's Charlotte Mason Header Image

When I was starting to homeschool, there weren’t many families yet who homeschooled in my city. I had to rely mostly on blogs and online forums to have a community of other homeschooling families. 

When it comes to learning about the Charlotte Mason method, I also had to rely on the Internet. Two of my favorite websites to learn from are: – This is where I learned how to make my own curriculum for my son for his first to third grades. – This is the free curriculum we’ve been using from the time my older son was in the fourth grade up to the present. 

Because I know how difficult it was to scour the Internet for materials, as well as trying to apply them in a Philippine context, I wanted to help make it easier for YOU to get started. Here I am giving away a free e-book entitled “Journey to Beauty: A Handbook for First-Time CM Homeschoolers.” 

In this e-book, I will share an overview of Charlotte Mason’s 20 Principles, plus some practical tips on how to implement the different elements of a Charlotte Mason education, such as narration, copywork, nature study, and the riches. 

Sign Up For Your Free E-book!

To get a copy of our free e-book, please head over to our Shop Page where we have A Handbook for First Time CM Homeschoolers up FOR FREE, on this link. We promise to use your e-mail address to send you updates, inspirational notes, helpful tips, etc! In other words, to stay connected with you! 🙂 

Because this item is free, you don’t need a Paypal account and can just proceed with your order. Make sure your e-mail address is correct! Upon successful “payment” of P0.00, you will receive an e-mail you can download your free e-book. 

By getting a copy of this e-book, you also get to be in the loop, ahead of everyone else, for any updates on the website! I look forward to journeying with you!