Nature Study

Maximizing Outdoor Time

Maximizing Outdoor Time A couple of centuries before our time, Charlotte Mason adamantly encouraged parents to have their children spend several hours out-of-doors. We’ve tried to do that in our homeschool and family, even with the challenge of the scorching sun here in the Philippines: we might put in some outdoor play time in the early morning and late afternoon, or spend a morning walking by a river or playing on a park playground. Once in awhile, we would spend…

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Nature Study: Sunbird Nest!

Nature Study: Sunbird Nest! During the rainy weeks around January and February, we didn’t do much laundry at home. Imagine our surprise when we went back to our laundry area and found this: At first I thought it was just some random trash that got stuck at the end of our clothesline. But then my boys and I remembered that we’d been seeing an olive-backed sunbird or two flying around with some bits and pieces in its beak. (For newbies,…

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